March 31, 2025

3/4 of a Million $ and climbing

2 min read

For those who love the sport of harness racing and have made a visited the last few months to Woodbine Race Track you will have noticed a new wager which has bettors searching for the ultimate score as they try to handicap and become the sole and illusive winner of the Jackpot HI5..

You might ask what is this Jackpot HI5?

The Jackpot Hi-5 is essentially a wager on the very last race on the program where you the bettor must select the top 5 finishers in a that race in the correct order, with one twist you must be the only one to have that combination to get the entire pool or else you receive a portion of the pool played played that evening with THE JACKPOT HI5 CARRYING OVER to the following day’s live program. The full pool will pay out if and when only one (1) single winning ticket exists.

If multiple winning tickets exist, 50% of the today’s pool will be paid as consolation, and the remainder will be added into the carryover pool. If no winners exist, the full pool will be added to the carryover for the next available pool. The carryover will continue to grow until a single ticket wins. This pool will be offered in the last race of every Woodbine Standard bred card.

Now with this said we have ONE LIVE program at woodbine this coming Monday March 30th where you will have your final shot at possibly taking hold of that entire POT OF GOLD!!! Yes i said One Last Shot before Saturday April 4th live racing card where it has been announced that a mandatory payout of the full pool will happen on that Saturday.

A mandatory payout is always in affect when the meet shifts to a new location and that will happen as the meet shifts over to Mohawk Race track April 9th,2015.

It has been projected that is there is a CARRY OVER from this Monday’s card the Saturday April 4th,2015 mandatory payout will reach an approx 1-1.3 million dollars.. On Saturday April 4th,2015 we might see 1/2 a million bet in to that pool alone as groups and scores of syndicates pool their money for a shot at this huge win-fall.

Grab those pens and race programs and start picking your horses,this could be your version of “Let it Ride”!!!

I am having a good day “Richard Dreyfuss’

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