March 18, 2025

2021|COSA Membership Benefits Are Here.

2 min read

2021 is here and we know racing is on the back burner until restritions are lift In Ontario but what better time to take a look at the benefits Cosa has to offer when we return to the race track. . The program offers you piece of mind and single coverage monthly is equal to ONE PADDOCK on race night. Yes you heard that right!! Take a look at what is being offered below there is no better deal around!

COSA was formed in the spring of 2009 to provide a united voice for harness horsepeople racing at Ontario racetracks.

Racing participants at the time were without a formal contract with track management at Woodbine Entertainment Group.

At an initial information meeting to address the issue, there was overwhelming support urging horseman Bill O’Donnell to spearhead the formation of a new organization to negotiate with WEG.

“In talking to the horsepeople in the area, it became clear that there was a need for a new beginning in the relationship with Woodbine Entertainment,” said O’Donnell at the time.

COSA officially came into being on June 30, 2009 and finalized a five year contract with WEG on August 1, 2009. The Association operates with a 10 person Board of Directors and one Director-at-Large, including some very well-known and respected owners, trainers and drivers.

COSA provides a Benefit program to its members. To be eligible to enrol in the COSA Benefits Program, you MUST have the following:

  • OHIP card
  • Valid Standardbred Canada license
  • Valid AGCO license

In addition to the above requirements, groom/caretaker benefits are provided at no cost to eligible members, provided the member is employed full-time by a trainer who has a minimum of one start per year at any Standardbred race track in Ontario. Caretakers working at breeding farms are also eligible for benefits.

Grooms/caretakers must provide one of the following when enrolling in the plan:

  • T-4 from the previous year
  • 3 cancelled payroll cheques or
  • 3 proof of e-transfer deposits to their bank account

Grooms/caretakers who are paid cash by their employers are not eligible for COSA paid benefits.

Once you have completed your enrollment form and have your proof of employment please send all paperwork to the COSA office for approval.

Owners, drivers, trainers, blacksmiths and other COSA members may access subsidized member paid benefit plans. Monthly payment rates are listed below:

COSA Membership Application Form

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